Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I Don't Like Change

This may not come as a surprise to some of you. But I thought I'd put it out there all the same and announce it. This means that when I spend an afternoon at an open house for a retirement village for my parents (who, I might add, are nowhere near old enough for a community such as this), it does not go well.

I also don't like pressure, but I think this is my own fault, because I was the insane person who decided that she needed to finish up the Heartbeat top and my grab bag prior to the start of Tour de Fleece, which starts this weekend. I have approximately 1/3 of an ounce left in the grab bag, and a little less than an ounce left of Heartbeat.

There are 48 days left in Summer Reading.

This does not bode well for my state of mind, I fear.

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