Saturday, April 23, 2011


You ever wonder why sometimes people make big huge deals about things that aren't important? Like when there are so many really important things that need to be discussed and accomplished, and being IGNORED, because of these really unimportant, minute things?

This whole issue about the Birther Bill is bugging me. I mean, let's, for the sake of grins and giggles, just set aside the whole Certificate of Live Birth that was produced to public scrutiny three years ago, along with the announcements made BY the hospital to local newspapers. Because, really, if those things aren't good enough for you, I don't know if there's really anything that is. But the thing that is REALLY bugging me about this whole issue is WHY ARE WE EVEN ARGUING ABOUT THIS???

(I'm wondering maybe if the issue isn't so much of WHERE the dude was born, but WHEN -- like maybe he wasn't really born in 1961, but rather in 1958? Note to self: check up on citizenship status of people born in territories.)

But seriously. Why is it such an issue? Why are we so confounded hung up on this? Why, when I go onto, is it the BIG HOT TOPIC? Especially when there are so many other topics out there that I think are far more important and merit much more discussion.

Like maybe, I don't know, the BUDGET?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Rain, Rain

April showers bring May flowers...

When we were little, Earthling and I would continue with little ditty: April showers bring May flowers. What do May flowers bring? Pilgrims.

What do Pilgrims bring? Thanksgiving.

What does Thanksgiving bring? Food.

And we would go on and on from there, culminating in some really weird and sometimes disgusting things, until we were told to stop. This was probably one of these bizarre and annoying games we would make up on long car rides.

This week, however, April showers may bring May flowers, but they also bring dreary days, low storytime attendance, and bored children.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Things That Make You Go Hmmm...

Why does it always have to rain on my day off?
How many calories does a person burn when swimming for 45 minutes?
Why two really good looking guys would be WORKING on a Friday night.
Why it is so blasted tedious to cut out 160 circles of rabbit heads.
Why does mohair wrinkle?

And WHY is it somehow MY FAULT that V refrained from telling her husband about the two looms she bought until today?